Board Meeting
Dec. 5, 2012
Greene Point Marina

Meeting called to order 10:05 am

Roll call of Officers: President__X  Cathy Goodnough
            Vice Pres.___ Greg Breslin
                                           Secretary__X_ Bonnie Reid
Board Members   __X___Dave Catania
  ______Harold Golden
           ______Roger Morrison
           ___X__Margaret Kastler
           ___X_Mike Brennan
  __X___John Shook
  _______Pete Backus

Do we have a Quorum?    YES
Last meeting at Channel 7-18-2012

Our main purpose for this meeting is to redo the SPCMA permit and to review quotes for mechanical dredging.  Extension letter written and will be mailed, emailed to all agencies:
1.US Fish and Wildlife
2.Corps of Engineers
3.Department of State
5.Senator Patty Ritchie
6.Assemblyman Will Barclay
7.Senator Gillibrand’s Office
8.Nancy Ridgeway-Sandy Creek Town Supervisor
9.Joe Duglenski- DEC
10.Dave Bimber- DEC
11.Senator Schumer
12.Senator Owen’s

Membership Status

Dredge details of 2012:

Start date and end date- results 6/11/2012 – July 17th
84 hours on dredge total of 19 days and it averages out to 4.43 hours of dredging per day.

4275 Cubic yards of sand removed- allowed 12,000

Town of Sandy Creek’s Bill $5,143.00

We have 14 sections of 40’ 10” discharge hose =560’
               9 sections of 20’ 10” discharge hose=180’
     10 sections of 25’ 10” discharge hose=250’
               3 sections of 7’ 10” discharge hose=21’
         19 sections 38’discharge hose=722  TOTAL OWNED 1,733

Inventory of piping and finally getting it all on shore was 10/17/2012


Chicken BBQ fundraiser report:

We took in $691.00 Plus a 100.00 donation from Linda Goodnough after expenses 373.96
Yard Sale $91.05

August 15th Note from Angela Reiter 405.00

August 23rd Request for money from the Town of Sandy Creek review expenses

Tresurer’s report accepted as read. Motion 1st  Margaret Kastler, 2nd  by Dave Catania. All in favor, motion passed.
Review of bills paid balance in account
as of 12-3-2012 after bills paid $ 17,018.86

IMS Bill $5220.80
10 saddle floats
25 cutter teeth right
25 cutter teeth left
Slinger cap and Spacer, to stop leak at front of dredge
Main seal kit
4 new female ends
4 new male ends with rubber o’rings
Freight 910.00

Estimated Expenses for next year:

1. Alternater taken off and repaired 11-5-2012 total cost 69.50
2.Possibly a new battery, as ours is 3 years old
3.Maintenance of dredge, check hoses and repair as needed
4.Paint orange stripe on bottom of dredge so when hauling out we can see the exact bottom of dredge.

Permit Status:

DEC Permits approved through  3/30/14
        Corp of Engineers Status: Will need to be renewed 3 months prior to expiring.

DOS- Stipulations

Reports GPS readings and actual spoil removal reports. Done by Roger Morrison and Greg Breslin

Correspondenses: August 24th letter taken to Sen. Schumer’s office stating the financial impact to local, county and state agencies.

August 1st, Received South Ponds Annual Insurance Bill- Talked to Jim Poindexter and straightened out.

We will need to up our Insurance policy to cover the new piping & floats we have purchased.  We have a 50,000 policy on dredge alone.

September 21st- request for Fred Ferguson to fly over and take current photo’s

October 1st Request sent to Town of Sandy Creek for 2013 Budget
October 3rd Dune Coalition Letter- To Read
October 10 Letter to Corp from Sen. Gillibrand’s office
October 11, Meeting at the Sandy Pond Steak House, with Senator Pattie Ritchie.
October 17th Email from Colleen at Sen. Gillibrand’s office in regards to contact information at Corps of Engineers- Called Doug Gorecki will need to go through Mel Schroeder.
November 20th meeting with DEC David Bimber and Joe Duglenski, Nancy Ridgeway, Mike Kastler and Cathy Goodnough to review modifications for SPCMA permit.

Petition information given to Senator Pattie Ritchie’s office and copies were kept here, over 1500 Signatures were collected
If someone could type in this information to a excel program, we can add it to our mail out and let the people who signed the petition, kept informed of what is happening.

November 8th DEC field trip to Ron Fisher’s- To Read

Bills against the Association:
1. Website maintenance has been paid by Greene Point Marina, our rate is 479.00 per year, half of that is
SPCMA website $240.00  Motion make by John Shook and 2nd by Bonnie Reid to pay Greene Point 3 years of website administration. All in favor, motion passed.
2.Pipe fittings, bill from Town of Sandy Creek $ 90.00
3.2013  Stickers to order $ 63.26
4.2013 Insurance Bills  Due 6/2013 $746.00

Bonnie Reid will be contacting the area businesses to ask for a $20.00 yearly website link fee to SPCMA website, which will take care of the SPCMA website administration bills.

President will entertain a motion to adjourn.

Meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm