Minutes of Board Meeting
Sandy Creek Town Hall
March 17, 2010
Meeting called to order at 6 PM
Opening Comments
Roll call of Officers: President____X_ Cathy Goodnough
Vice Pres.______ Greg Breslin
Secretary____X__ Ted Reiter
Treasurer_______ Ted Reiter
Board Members _____X__John Shook
Do we have a Quorum? Yes
Guest Speaker: Lonnie Crast, Sandy Creek Town Supervisor
Reading of Minutes: Minutes from last months regular meeting were read. Secretary inquired 3 times if there were any corrections, additions or deletions to the minutes. No corrections, additions or deletions were presented. Bonnie Reid made a motion that minutes be accepted as read. Motion seconded by John Shook. Motion approved and passed.
34,788.63 in the account, we haven’t sent out a membership letter for this year as we didn’t have updated information as to the direction the Association was headed. We have 15,000.00 set aside from the Town of Sandy Creek, and a final payment of 8,350.00 from Burt Goodnough, in August. Total available to us $58,138.00
Treasurers Report: Treasurer report read by Cathy Goodnough, Motion made by Bonnie Reid to accept Treasurers report as read; subject to audit. Motion seconded by Pete Backus. NO discussion. Motion passed. We have
Bills against the association-NONE
Letter addressing the Sandy Creek Town Board from 1/13/10 read by Cathy Goodnough.
Old Business: Purchase of Dredge from Wagoner’s Dredging Outfit. Lonnie Crast was contacted in the fall of 2009 to look into the possibility of the association purchasing the dredge and either donating to the town to operate or lease the dredge to the Town. After numerous attempts to contact Lonnie, we learned this past week that the Town of Sandy Creek is reluctant to take on the responsibility of dredging the Channel. I went to a Board Meeting January 13th and spoke to the members of the board.
Ralph Wagoner has contacted me several times this winter to see if the Association was still interested in the Dredge as he was looking to sell it. We need to make a decision as to the purchase of the dredge.
We will have to ask the Town for more money to be put into the budget, which will probably cause an increase of taxes. Long discussion by Board members and Lonnie as to who would operate the dredge, cost of insurance, Town’s budget for Highway Department to operate dredge. Who would lay the piping out.
New Business: Set annual meeting date, letter to membership for 2010, order labels for 2010.
Next Board Meeting will be at March 24, 2010
Place: Sandy Creek Town Hall at 5 PM.
President will entertain a motion to adjourn.
Motion made to adjourn by Pete Backus, seconded by Bonnie Reid. Any discussion, all in favor, all opposed. Motion Passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM