Board of Directors Meeting
Wayside Pavilion
May 5, 2011
Meeting called to order at 6:05
Roll call of Officers: President____X_ Cathy Goodnough
Vice Pres.____X_ Greg Breslin
Secretary___X___ Ted Reiter
Treasurer_______ Ted Reiter
Board Members ______X_Bonnie Reid
Do we have a Quorum? Yes
Membership Status: 4 $ 350.00
Review of last meetings minutes from August 19, 2010, Motion made By Ray Pickering, to accept minutes as read, seconded by Dave Catania. All in favor, motion passed.
Treasurers report: read by Cathy Goodnough, Motion made by Dave Catania, to accept report as read, seconded by Greg Breslin. All in favor, motion passed.
Permit information that needs to be done:
1.Corp of Engineers Permit dates 3 year
2.NYS Dec – will need to file a TRP permit, needed for either the north or south side. OK to file $ 25.00 with DEC
3.Piping Plover survey 1 week prior to 7/15- contact Tom McCloud- 125.00 fee to be paid to Gerry Smith.
Bonnie Reid will do the Koozie and Post card sales for this year.
Bills Against the Association:
1.Insurance on Dredge- Due June 746.00-take off Rolf Wagoner as lien holder as Dredge is paid in full.
2.Directors and Officers Policy- Due June 1,000.00
3.DEC TRP permit $25.00
4.Char 500 Due to NYS 25.00
5.Jamieson will need to weld, he has been contacted back in early April
New Business:
1.Income Taxes filed with Small Business Services- 4/25/2011 Faxed to Tom Baxter, there will be a 25.00 CHAR 500 NYS filing fee for having over 25,000.00 in our account.
2.Ralph Wagoner will lease the piping to us again this year and deliver it here for 2,000.00, this price includes he will also come and put the dredge in for 500.00
3.Set annual meeting date: Sunday June 26th at The Town of Sandy Creek Town Hall. Next meeting to compose letter to Membership.
Old Business: Refund of 114.03 from NYS Sales tax on diesel filed by Cathy Goodnough.
Next Meeting Tuesday May 17th at Taco’s Pavillion at 6 PM
President will entertain a motion to adjourn.
Motion made to adjourn by, Robert Rezak, seconded by Ray Pickering. Motion Passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM