Town of Sandy Creek Board
In regards to the Sandy Pond Channel
Our Not for Profit organization formed in 2003. Our mission is to maintain the channel from Sandy Pond into Lake Ontario, for recreational and commercial fishing purposes. Over the past 20 years the channel has changed many times and has become an issue in maintaining the constant shifting sands. This channel is vital to our area for recreational purposes and our pond hosts over 3000 boaters. The pond keeps several seasonal businesses thriving and the threat of the channel closing off would be detrimental to all local businesses, not to mention the tax basis for the town of Sandy Creek would diminish. If people who owned property around the pond could not access Lake Ontario, the channel would close and our pond would eventually become a stagnant swamp area. As an association, we have overcome many hurdles and have dredged in the years 2006 and 2007. The contractor hired cost 19,000 for the first year and 23,000 for the 2nd year. The membership volunteered their time to lay pipe and help keep the cost of dredging down. We didn’t have to dredge in 2008 due to a high wind storm in June and 2009 due to higher levels of water, which are regulated by the International Joint Commission. We have had several quotes for dredging last year and they range from 60,000.00 and up. We found a used dredge in Alexandria Bay this fall, from Ralph Wagoner, who owns a dredge company. He is willing to sell this 1989 IMS 4010 dredge to us, for 50,000.00. He is willing to take the majority of a down payment and then the final payment in August. There are 2 stipulations we must comply with if we bought the dredge:
We can not become a dredge business
He would have first option to buy the equipment back if we ever decided to sell it
We typically rely on Membership and the Town of Sandy Creek for financial support. Membership funds range yearly average is 8,000.00 a year. Previous members figures:
We have 34,788.63 in our account and a payment due from previous contractor of 8,300.00 and 15,000.00 set aside in the S.C. budget. Our yearly expenses are minimal. Roughly 3,500.00. This includes a Director and Officer’s Policy to protect the Individual board members.
It is becoming increasingly harder to line up a dredge company and be able to hire them solely on membership and the town’s budgeted monies. When the Board of Directors met this fall, we wanted to propose several options to the Town of Sandy Creek.
The Association would buy the dredge.
Maintain the permits
Pay expenses for diesel
Help set up the 2500-3000’ of piping needed to comply with the Corp of Engineers permits and the DEC
Dredge dates are July 15- Sept 1 only due to nesting and spawning season
Survey for the Piping plover
Maintain GPS reading and Level Data
Overview of the Channel with land owners- Who owns what
There are several other options out there for the maintenance on the channel they are the 1. Great Lakes Small Harbor Coalition- which the Town of Sandy Creek has signed a resolution to become a member
2. The State launch ramp that would be at Groman Shores, both of these options could help maintain the channel, eventually but may not happen for a long period of time.
In closing, we ask for assistance from the Town of Sandy Creek in helping Dredge the channel, either by leasing the equipment and the Town Highway Department actually does the dredging, or working out another option.
In Closing, The Channel afford a safe harbor for refuge off of Lake Ontario in a Storm
Hosts 6-7 Campgrounds, 6-7 Marinas
Area Restaurants and Bars, Grocery stores, gas stations, Golf Courses,