Minutes of Board Meeting
July 14, 2008
Wayside Inn Pavilion

NYS Parks and Recreation returned and marked the channel in June.  They returned on July 21 to correct the buoys that had moved.

Roll Call of Officers: PresidentX Cathy Goodnough
Vice Pres.       Greg Breslin
SecretaryXTed Reiter
Treasurer          Chris Reed
Board Members        Dave Catania
XRobert Rezak
XPete  Backus
XMargaret Kastler
  Mike Brennan
XRay Pickering
X John Shook
X Bonnie Reid
Do we have a Quorum?   Yes

Reading of Minutes: Minutes from last months regular meeting were read.  Secretary inquired 3 times if there were any corrections, additions or deletions to the minutes.  No Corrections, additions or deletions were presented.  Secretary made a motion that minutes be accepted as read.  Motion seconded by Ray Pickering.  Motion approved and passed.

Treasurer’s Report:  $9,404.62

$15,000.00 allotted from the Town of Sandy Creek, can it be rolled over?  Checking with Lonnie Crast, Town of Sandy Creek Supervisor.

Payment form Burt Goodnough due on or before 8/15/08 of $8,350.00.

Dredge Updates:
1.Quote from Canesville Aggregate 5/30/08 for us to lease equipment.  Chris Reed to check into our association insuring this                        equipment, No luck
2.Greg Breslin, checked into leasing from another company quote was
3.Greg Breslin emailed Waggoner’s Dredging outfit out of Alexandria Bay
          No Response to date
4.Cathy Goodnough emailed Allens Livery about the $5,000.00 dredge sold from them to see if they knew who bought it and                         where it is, no luck
5.Ted Reiter and Greg Breslin contacted Burt Goodnough in regards to joint letter to be sent out.  Copy available for review,          comment. Motion made by Ted Reiter to accept letter as read, seconded by Ray Pickering, any discussion.  All in favor.  Motion                passed
6.DEC permit for TRP has been held up because of the insurance liability needed from the dredge company.
7.Dredge quotes this year from Cranesville Aggregate $32,000.00 for 2 weeks at 40 hours per week, includes diesel, trucking and 1               operator, shipping of piping here.  Does not include towing the dredge or movement of the piping out to work site, hauling dredge         back in and 1 operator for 2 weeks to be on site with Cranesville Operator.
8.Corp of Engineers gave verbal go ahead with permit for this year following stipulations.
9.Mr. Tom McCleod contacted in regards to surveying the barrier beach for the piping plover. 
10.Channel Measurements taken every 2’ on 5/30, 6/17 and 7/14 of 2008.
11.Website Administrator Chris Noel, is unavailable to do website maintenance.
12. SPCMA announcement was in the Dune Coalition Hand out this year.
13.Status of Name South Pond Channel Maintenance Association?  Pete Backus gave update.  Their next meeting is Sandy Pond                Sportsman’s Club on August 3rd at 11 AM.
14.Launch ramp update from Margaret Kastler, on hold at this moment
15.Bill from Greene & Seifter, Attorney for SPCMA $1,334.50, discounted to Zero.
16.DEC Permits good through 3/15/2010
17.Corp of Engineers Permit: 11/26/2009
18.Margaret Kastler was asked if there is any money at the County level to purchase a dredge to maintain areas in Oswego County.

Bills Against the Association: Annual Director’s & Officer’s Policy Due June, Paid in Full $1,000.00.

Lengthy discussion of direction to go this year: Channel measurements were reviewed.  Financials were reviewed.  Few areas that are needed, expense of 32,000.00 for some dredging. Water levels to date and possible lowest levels, channel would still be passable.

Motion made by Ted Reiter to not dredge this year, seconded by Robert Rezak, Any Discussion.  All in favor.  Motion passed.

President will entertain a motion to adjourn.

Motion made by John Shook, seconded by Ray Pickering.  Any discussion, all in favor, all opposed.  Motion Passed.

Meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM