Minutes of Annual Meeting
June 6 2010
Sandy Creek Town Hall
Meeting called to order 10 AM
Roll call of Officers: President__X_ Cathy Goodnough
Vice Pres.__X_ Greg Breslin
Secretary__ __Ted ReiterTreasurer_____
Board Members ______Dave Catania
Do we have a Quorum? NO
The water levels in and around the pond are the lowest in a very long time.
IJC, Rumor this past spring was that the water levels would be up 7-18” by Memorial Day weekend, They also stated that they are well within their 4’ range of water levels.
NYS Parks and Recreation: They have been unable to mark the channel because it isn’t 4 foot deep. There is roughly 2’ to 2 ½’on the north side, in different spot then previous and around 18” on the south side, close to Nature’s Conservancy’s Beach. This past week end a 27’ Sportcraft I/O made it through the North side with out hitting bottom.
Membership Status 200820032004 20052006
Bronze 52
Silver 50
Gold 45
Platinum 12 Total 159
Membership in Attendance: Don & Denise Schneider, Norm & Pam Adams, Sue & Rich Young, Margie & Randy Brown, Joe & Mary Sienko, Tom McLeod, Ira Learned, Lloyd Miller, Ron & Emmy Fisher, Skip Domick, Charles & Deedee Thousand, Murray Getman, Robert Hager, Nan Winters and John Wooden.
We have taken the steps to ensure safe passage into Lake Ontario. After receiving many quotes for a one time dredge of the channel, we have purchased a 1989 IMS model 4010 dredge from Wagoner’s Sales and Service of Alex Bay. The dredge arrived on Wednesday 6/2 after Greg Breslin, Mike Kastler and Cathy Goodnough went up to Alex Bay to deliver the 25,000.00 check and hear the dredge run. The dredge was launched at Greene Point Marina and moored. A little bit of water was being taken on so when Rolf Waggoner came the next day to deliver the piping, he offered to pull the dredge and block it up. The dredge will be put back into the water as part of the delivery charge paid. The purchase price of this dredge includes a one hour instruction after the dredge is put back into the water. It also includes 8 hours of training, for which we have been working with the Town of Sandy Creek Highway Department and the Town Supervisor. Our goal is to be ready to dredge the 15th of July. That is the dates of our permits. We also have to comply with the survey for the Piping Plover, which Tom McCloud of Renshaw Bay has been contacted. The survey has to take place one week prior to dredging.
Dredge Purchase Details:
Due $ 50,000.00 Purchase Price
Paid -5,000.00 4/5/10
Paid -25,000.00 6/1/10
Bal Due $20,000.00 Due on or before 9/1/10 or the equipment is returned to Rolf Wagoner’s.
+8,300.00 Due from previous contractor 8/1/10
+15,000.00 from the Town of Sandy Creek (after work is
Delivery charge for Dredge and piping Paid 1,700.00
We have 14 sections of 40’ 10” discharge hose =560’
9 sections of 20’ 10” discharge hose=180’
10 sections of 25’ 10” discharge hose=250’
3 sections of 7’ 10” discharge hose=21’
Possible total piping needed is estimated at 2,500’ to discharge location from the Corp of Engineers. Greg Breslin researched used piping at 10.00 a foot and that came to 14,890.00. We are trying to rent the piping from either Wagoner’s Dredge outfit or we have contacted Steve Gibbs of Rochester who is interested in possibly borrowing our hose when we aren’t using it and then letting us use his pipe for this dredging season. We are still working on locking in this agreement.
Financial Report: The Association has $14,607.51 as of 6/4/10.
The Friends of Sandy Pond Beach donated $2,000.00 dollars in May and the Sandy Creek Fire Department have donated $100.00. Thanks to everyone who has realized the importance of keeping our ever changing shifting channel open. All donations received this year has helped purchase this equipment. The donations received to date will be used to replace hydraulic hoses and 2 oil filters, 3 fuel filters, and 70 gallons of Hydraulic Fluid (Enviromentally safe oil). Do general maintenance on the dredge. The association has started an account with Napa out of Pulaski. They have researched Hydraulic Oil and it is $750.00 for 55 gallon drum. We will need 200-250’ of 5/16’ cable for the cable system on the dredge. Also clamps and extra clips will have to be purchased. We will have to have the dredge welded as there is a small seam leak. Ken Jamieson has provided us with a quote.
Tresurers report accepted as read 3 times 1st and 2nd all in favor
Total Donations from Mail out $ 11,955.00
Estimated Expenses for this year.
1.Director and Officers Policy 1,000.00
2.Letter to Membership 500.00
3.Post Office Box 48.00
4.Liability Insurance Dredge ?
5.Insurance Dredge Physical Damage Est 764.00 Annually
6.Insurance Piping
7.Diesel approx 175
8.Hydraulic oil 1374.00 for 2- 55 gallons Enviroment safe oil
9.Labor from the Town of Sandy Creek 16 days 2 guys @20.00 5,120.00 Estimated
10.1” Breaker Bar ?
11.4*4 Anchors of concrete
12.200-250’ 5/16” Cables
13.Clamps, 10 floating pipes with caps and eye bolts, small clips, and 12 harnesses (12) 4’ long
14.Extra floaters for stability on the front of the dredge
Permit Status:
DEC Permits approved through 3/30/14
Corp of Engineers Status: Filed last fall, awaiting approval
TRP awaiting approval to lay piping across the end point of
The channel. Rich Hornebeck has given us approval as of 6/4/10 to cut trees and lay the piping across his property, for the shortest distance.
DOS- Stipulations
Election\ Re-election of Officers:
President: Cathy Goodnough
Vice Pres: Greg Breslin
Secretary: Ted Reiter
Treasurer: Ted Reiter
Board of Directors:Margaret Kastler, Mike Brennan, Pete Backus, Ray Pickering, John Shook, Bonnie Reid, Robert Rezak & Dave Catania
Vote: Membership in attendance: To reinstate officers and Board of Directors as named above. 1st To McLeod, 2nd Ron Fisher All in Favor: Yes, Passed.
Appoint Sergeant of Arms by President: President appointed Ted Reiter.
Appoint Parliamentarian: President appointed Ted Reiter
Thank you all for your interest in our channel.
President will entertain a motion to adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at 11 AM