Minutes of Board Meeting
August 19, 2010
Taco’s Pavillion
Meeting called to order  6 PM

Roll call of Officers: President__X_  Cathy Goodnough
            Vice Pres.__X_ Greg Breslin
        Secretary__  X__Ted ReiterTreasurer_____
Board Members   ___X__Dave Catania
  ___X__Bob Rezak
           ___X__Bonnie Reid
           ___X_Margaret Kastler
           ___X__Mike Brennan
           ______Ray Pickering
  ____X_John Shook
  ___X___Pete Backus

Do we have a Quorum?    YES

Status of IJC and NYC Parks and Recreation: They marked the Channel 8/18/10, although the water levels have dropped we have a channel marked.  The International Joint Commission recent letter of water levels to review:  After inspection of the channel on 8/18/10, Parks and Recreation have been contacted and will come back 8/23/10 to remark the channel.

Membership Status: 206 members

The Sandy Pond Fun Run brought us a check for 315.00

The dredge arrived here in June and the Town of Sandy Creek went to work redoing almost all of the Hydraulic Hoses and fittings.  They will be submitting a bill to the association for
$5,800.00, for their time and labor working on the dredge on land and in operation.  With the thanks to many volunteers approximately 1685 feet of 10” discharge hose was hauled over to the work site and then assembled on the beach.  There were several days that the hose on the lake-side became destroyed or moved and had to be dug out.  Mike Brennan and crew supplied floaters and we had several donations of Earth anchors to move.  We had 4 volunteers on a daily basis, usually watching the discharge hose from 8-12 and then 12-4 to monitor the discharge.  If the hose was at a quarter, they shut down the dredge to pump clear water.  This occurred several times, but it alleviated the need to dismantle the piping to find a clog.  The Town worked from Monday through Thursday and we had several days that they were going to volunteers their time on Fridays, but we had lightning storms and other unforeseen issues.  There was one day that Mike Boland came in on a Saturday and instructed 5 people on operations of the dredge.  The maintenance needed before you could start up and actually pumping sand at 2600 RPM’s.  We learned some very valuable lessons this year as how to move the piping, set up and operational times that are required.  When the town stopped dredging on 8/11 they had recorded depths of 6’ they had made 3 long passes with the 8 ‘ cutter head and then the sand fell in around it to around 10-12’.  Each pass required someone be out there to help pull the piping back so the dredge could back up.  They cut down to 6’ depths and the farther down they cut the less it seemed to be moving any sand so they stayed with cutting the sand.  The hard work that everyone has done is greatly appreciated.  Review water depths as of 8/18/10.


Charlie Thousand, Gerry Ballard, Jim Whipple, Dave Youman, Craig Ketzak, Mark Ketzak, Ed Ketzak, Tom McLeod, Rich Young, Dane Dudley, Bill Joyce, Don Marquart, Don Snyder, John Taylor, Marty Switzer, Dave Catania & sons, Mike Brennan & sons, Dave Rogers & friends, Greg Breslin, Butch Crow, Mike Hiller, Terry Hiller, Norm Adams, Dan Lapham, Fred Bressette, Dan Westcott & friends, Scott Daniels, Steve Westcott, Dan Kleinhenz, Pete Backus, Sean Leahy, Ron Fisher, Time Carroll, John Wooden, Matt Cook

Special Thanks to: Rich Hornebeck-Property owner
Mike Haverlock-Dredge Operator
Mike Boland-Dredge Operator
Rolf Wagoner-Previous owner of dredge
Dave Catania-Floating Barge, trailer to haul pipe
Mike Brennan- Floating barge, floaters for pipe
Tom McLeod-Radios
Greene Point-Forklift, trailers to haul pipe
Dan Lapham-Jumper Pack
John Parker-Napa Delivery

Association Status of Dredge: The dredge is still out to the site, as the winds have blown for the past week.  A date in needed to be set to retrieve the piping we have borrowed from Rolf Wagoner.

Dredge Purchase:  The final payment is available to be paid to Rolf Wagoner, as per our contract.  The previous contractor paid the $8,300.00 due and the Town of Sandy Creek was given enough receipts to cover the $15,000.00 that had been set aside in the Town’s budget for this project.  A complete listing of expenses is included in the Financial Report.

Estimated Expenses:  $500.00 due to Rolf Wagoner for the pick up the pipe.  We have expensed $ 500.00 for the delivery of his pipe here and will owe for rental of his pipe. 
Tax Exempt Status:  The paperwork was filed with the New York State-any businesses that we purchased items from received an exempt form.  See application filed.

Accounts were set up at Napa in Pulaski, Sancona in Sandy Creek, Liquid Waste Management, Griffith Energy, Greene Point Marina.  Greg Breslin purchased some anchors, which the association reimbursed him for.

Dredge Details: Hour meter started at 3317.5 on July 15th, ended 8/11/10 at 3407.0.  85 hours logged on dredge.  There was approximately 465.00 gallons of diesel used.
Diesel reimbursement for taxes:  A form FT-500 will needed to be filed to refund Sales tax pad on diesel for the dredge.

Lengthly discussion on improvements that can be made for next year.  Mike Haverlock made several suggestions, that were reviewed.  Biggest problem this year was keeping the piping together on the Lake side.  The waves usually destroyed or completely moved the piping, which took several men and a few hours each Monday.  Dave Catania is checking into pipe for us to purchase to have more to dredge the south side next year.  Researching who owns any land on the south side, that we could lay the piping over with out getting a TRP Permit.

Permit Status:  The Department of State and the Corp of Engineers, and DEC are awaiting the GPS readings.  We will need to file the final paperwork with the Corp of Engineers.  Review to get accurate information on completion of job.  Greg Breslin will report the GPS readings to Department of State. Cathy Goodnough to file the year end information to the Corp of Engineers.

DEC: TRP Permit: 25.00 check was sent to them and they requested being listed on our insurance for another $100.00, the Department waived the Performance Bond that would have cost us over $1,000.00.  This permit is needed to lay the piping over the shoreline on either the north or south side.  In talking with the DEC, since we were going over private property it was not needed.  They will check into refunding our money.

Richard Hornebeck has agreed to let us leave our 1,011 feet of piping on his property and secure it with chains. Motion made by Mike Brennan to leave pipe on the North side, seconded by Ted Reiter.  All in favor.  Motion passed.

Discussion of pulling the dredge back to Greene Point Marina, Will be done this week.  Piping will be moved out of water after Labor Day.

Board of Directors reviewed Profit and Loss Statements from 2003 and current year to date.

Sandy Pond Channel Maintenance Association
P.O. Box 686
Sandy Creek, NY  13145

Expenses to date:

1.  Delivery of Dredge and Pipe $1,700.00Rolf Wagoner
2. NYS TRP Permit$      25.00
3. Oswego Co Valley $    192.25Physical Damage
4. OVIA, LLC Insurance$    744.00D&O Policy
5. Corp of Engineers Permit$    100.00
6. Noco Energy Hydraulic Oil$  1,395.98Envir. Friendly
7.  Sancona $  1,109.42Floaters
8.  Napa Auto Store$ 1,045.06Hyd Hoses,clamps
9. Greene Point Marina$     193.51Rope,solenoid,acc
10. Jamieson, weld dredge$     425.00Weld Leak
11. Greg Breslin, clamps etc.$     395.94Clamps
12. Greg Breslin, $     105.90Earth Anchors
13. Griffith Energy Diesel$     368.41Diesel
14. Liquid Waste,  clamps$     889.29Clamps Freight
15. Sancona$     356.34Cable
16. diesel receipts$      880.14Diesel
17. Oswego Mutual$      553.75Physical Damage
18.  Oswego Valley $    2,148.16Liability Ins
19. Piping Plover Survey$      125.00
20. Labels Membership$      61.12
21. Napa$     161.14Pully & Belt
22. Greene Point Marina$    211.55Battery,shackles
23. Town of Sandy Creek as of 8/3 $  5,700.00labor
24. Rolf Wagoner, rental of piping$     500.001 st delivery charge
Totals $19,386.96

Money requested from the Town of Sandy Creek     15,000.00

If more information is needed please don’t hesitate to contact me and I will provide information needed.

Thank you,

Cathleen Goodnough
SPCMA, President


Treasurers Report:  Treasurer report read by Cathy Goodnough, Motion made by Mike Brennan to accept Treasurer’s report as read; subject to audit.  Motion seconded by Dave Catania.  NO discussion.  Motion Passed.

2010 Membership letter:  Outlining details of dredging for this year; read and approved.  Motion made by Pete Backus and seconded by Margaret Kastler to send out letter.

President will entertain motion to adjourn.  Motion made by Ted Reiter, seconded by Pete Backus.  All in favor, motion passed
Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM