Minutes of Annual Meeting
July 12, 2009
Sandy Creek Town Hall

Meeting called to order 10 AM

Thank you all for coming today and your continued support. The Sandy Pond Channel has been an issue for years.  We have managed to privately fund the dredging of the channel, with some funds coming from the Town of Sandy Creek.  As for the other governmental agencies, we have yet received monetary funding from, although we have contacted everyone from Senator Clinton on down to our County legislators.  Part of the problem is that Sandy Pond has all land that is privately owned and there is no Public Access in order for the Corp. of Engineers to take over maintaining the channel, we would need a Public Access.  There has been a grant for the Sandy Pond area for Public parking.  The DEC has picked Groman Shores for the location of the Launch ramp and Our Association has had contact with the office that is in charge of the Grant money.  They are moving ahead with the launch ramp, however, no time frame has been set.
Mike Asquith @ the Corp of Engineers has been contacted for information on the Corp to possibly dredge the channel, no information to date.  We need to contact the Dept. of State for some insight to the State maintaining the channel.

NYS Parks and Recreation have marked the channel several times this spring.  We have had some strong winds that have moved the buoys. The most recent markings are the week of July 4th.  

Dredge Outfits and Leasing of Rental Equipment:
1.Cranesville Dredgers contacted back in March and June, they will not be leasing or dredging anymore, they have gotten out of that business.  They quoted us 32,000 for 2 weeks at 40 hours per week, included diesel, trucking and 1 operator and shipping of the piping out here.
2.Dredge Maryland Quote from last year.
3.Wagner’s Dredging contacted 3/20/09, 4/15/09 & 6/10/09, they were to come and give the Association a quote for dredging this year, however, they had another job lined up that starts August 1st and they didn’t think they could do both jobs.  They have a dredge for sale and we are reviewing the equipment for possible purchase of their dredge.  The dredge was similar to the one Cranesville used and had 1500’ of solid pipe at 10” diameter, and 150’ of floating pie the cost was 50,000.00, with a guarantee that the Association would not interfere with their dredge business in Alex Bay.
4.Greg Breslin contacted VMI dredges and they have a quote for leasing their equipment, 18,900.00 per month, transportation was 8,000 and the piping for 150’
700.00 and 1200’ of non-floating hose was 2,800.00, we          would need at least 3500’ of piping.  We would then have diesel, insurance and operators expenses.
5.Western dredge & Supply Co contacted 6/22/09, their response cam back through under Cranesville Aggregate.
6.IMS contacted, Jim Atkinson was to come out and look over our dredge project, but no one showed up.
7.  Liquid Waste Technology’s quote for leasing equipment:  3000’ of piping would be approx. 7,500.00 The dredge had to be leased for a minimum of 3 months at 22,000.00 per month, plus transportation of approx. 5,000.00, we would then have the cost of operators, diesel, placement of pipe and insurance.

We have previously hired a contractor “Cranesville Aggregate” to dredge the channel.  The first year the dredged we paid them 19,000.00 and approximately 3011 cubic yards of sand was removed.  Two years ago we expended 22,000.00 for dredging and they estimated approximately 8,000 cubic yards of sand was removed.  They experienced some mechanical failures of the equipment, but we had started on the inside of the channel and when the water levels dropped, where we had dredged was still passable. The Corp of Engineers monitors dredging and they have set some stipulations for the Association.

The Association reviewed the channel depths last July.  They were sufficient for safe passage for last year and the Association decided not to dredge.  Our Permit allows the dredging to start July 15th, because of the Nesting and spawning season.
The Board met at the Channel July 8th to review the depths and Check into a dredge that has come up for sale.  Ted Reiter and Dave Catania to go look at dredge and report back to the Board.

Roll call of Officers: President___X_  Cathy Goodnough
            Vice Pres._____ Greg Breslin
        Secretary____X__Ted ReiterTreasurer_____
Board Members   _______Dave Catania
  _______Bob Rezak
           ____X__Bonnie Reid
           ____X__Margaret Kastler
           _______Mike Brennan
           ____X__Ray Pickering
  _______John Shook
  _______Pete Backus

Do we have a Quorum?         NO 

Membership Status 200820032004      20052006
Bronze __68__  641407       217   43
Silver   __48__
Gold    __28__2007
Total Members____152__

Bronze  53
Silver    14
Gold       19
Platinum  4
Others     6          Total 90

Membership in Attendance: Christopher Hauck, Pam and Norm Adams

Financial Report:  The Association has 24,142.23 in the Fund. The town of Sandy Creek has set aside 15,000.00 and 8,350.00 due from previous contractor August 15th.   Mike Lasell has a $750.00 donation for the channel, after their Poker Run.

Permit Status:
DEC Permits good through 3/15/2010

Corp of Engineers Status: This upcoming year we will have
to file a completely new permit; which is a lengthy process.  Our Corp. permit is good through November 26, 2009

Election\ Re-election of Officers:

President: Cathy Goodnough
Vice Pres: Greg Breslin
Secretary: Ted Reiter
Treasurer: Ted Reiter

Board of Directors:Margaret Kastler, Mike Brennan, Pete Backus, Ray Pickering, John Shook, Bonnie Reid, Robert Rezak & Dave Catania

Vote: Membership in attendance:  To reinstate officers and Board of Directors as named above. 1st Christopher Hauck,  2nd Norm Adams. All in Favor: Yes

Appoint Sergeant of Arms by President: President appointed Ted Reiter.

Appoint Parliamentarian: President appointed Ted Reiter

Closing Comments\Adjournment
Thank you all for your interest in our channel.

Mention of Next General Meeting at the Sandy Pond Sportsman’s Club
Mention of Tank tops with the SPCMA logo on it, for a possible Fund Raiser.

President will entertain a motion to adjourn.

Motion made to adjourn by Christopher, seconded by Norm,
Any discussion, all in favor, all opposed. Motion Passed.

Meeting adjourned at 11:20 AM