Minutes of Annual Meeting
July 29, 2018
Sandy Creek Town Hall

Meeting called to order 10 am

Roll call of Officers: President  _X_Cathy Goodnough
            Vice Pres.__X_ Tom Crosby
        Secretary _X__Bonnie ReidTreasurer____ Bonnie Reid
Board Members     __X__Dave Catania
           ___X__Roger Morrison
            __X__ Margaret Kastler
           ______Mike Brennan
           ___X__Harold Golden
   ____   Pete Backus

Do we have a Quorum?  5   Yes

First and foremost, thank you for your interest in the Sandy Pond Channel.  We have a lot of exciting things happening around the channel and pond, mostly due to the high water event of 2017.  Our beaches saw mass destruction last year, which received the attention of The Nature’s Conservancy.  Our barrier beaches must be restored and built up to protect our pond.  The channel has always wanted to move north and this spring there is hardly any beach left on the north side.  The entrance to the channel is marked on the South side this year, by NYS Parks and Recreation, navigational department.  The north side is deeper, but narrow and very close to shore. 
In our past dredge endeavors we have mainly put the sand on the south side working with the NYS Historical Park, ELODC and the agencies involved for the closest placement.  This has worked very well for the south side, but the north side has not seen any rebuilding of the barrier dunes and it is much needed.  This spring a working group called the North Pond Resiliency met in February and several times after that. This group consists of Town of Sandy Creek Board members, private land owners, a represented from agencies (US Fish and Wildlife, Corps of Engineers, Nature’s Conservancy.  Anchor QEA Engineer firm.
Business owners,  Headed by Tom Hart and Geoffrey Steadman who have been monitoring our shoreline for years and are extremely knowledgeable and have printed studies of the shoreline erosion.
This group was started with the help of David Klein of Nature’s Conservancy.  Our intent is to rebuild the barrier dunes on the north side with spoils removed from the massive shoal between the island and the channel.  David has received permission from the private land owners of the sand to allow us to remove it and place it back in the best locations. See maps.  This working group is committed to the longevity of the channel and the beaches. Our hope is we can remove sand to allow a more natural flow of water. Improving the channel and the water quality in the pond.

Last dredge report 2016 Dredge dates August 1st through August 16th.
The Town workers worked a total of 10 days and 96 hours and hauled 400 dump truck loads.  The Town contracted with Bob Coffin to do the work. Total cost $32,237.00.

SPCMA had no dredging in 2017 due to the extreme flooding in the area.
This year’s dredge project will have to be done by barge. The water levels have been too high to get the equipment down the shoreline from Sandy Island beach. The south side really needs to be dredged. The lake levels has consistently stayed around the 246’ level this year and is starting to drop as normal.  Dave Catania has been working with Brian Wallis for a quote to dredge from a barge with a track-hoe on the barge. This reach is only 7 ‘deep and if we are allowed to place the spoils in a staging area, we can then place it back on the south side.
All dredging will have to occur after the Plovers leave this area and we will be notified by Kelly Morrisette from the NYS Parks. As of 7/28/2018 the Plovers are still there.

Membership Status20032004      20052006    2007
                      641407       217   43       171

2008           2009        20102011     2012
  152            90       159       82        182

       2013            2014      2015     2016    2017
157   69      102        49           89

B___    S____     G___       P____   2018- 91

Membership in Attendance: Ralph Leber, Ron Fisher Jr., John Fraser, Gary Palmeter, Betsy Morse, Norma Newman, Tom McLeod.

The Association has been aided by the Town of Sandy Creek for many years now and recently we have reached out to the Town of Ellisburg for funding as they have many residence on the north end of Sandy Pond that utilize the channel.

Piping needs to be moved from the beach site – the beach dunes where we have stored the piping for the last few years has been eroded so badly that the piping is hanging over the edge quite a ways.  Plan work afternoon.  Set date, line up helpers. Tuesday at 1 pm.

Dredge for sale – We have $ 84,070.00 invested in the piping and dredge itself.  We can list the dredge for sale in the Boats and Harbor newspaper.  Vote to sell dredge for $70,000.00 or best Offer, the new owners will be responsible for removing the piping at the beach and hauling all equipment away. Motion made by Dave Catania and 2nd by Tom Crosby. All in favor. Yes Motion passed.  Need approval to advertise in Harbor Magazine, over $140.00.  Motion to extend another year before sale made by Margaret Kastler, seconded by Tom Crosby. All in favor. Motion passed

The Association now has $ 60,154.74  plus $ 200.00 to be processed

The Town of Sandy Creek has $20,000.00, set aside in the budget.  We will need to use this money this year or lose it.  SPCMA has signed a match grant.  It is headed by the Town of Sandy Creek working with the North Pond Resiliency Group.  This means that over the course of 2 1/2 years SPCMA will expense 30,000.00 on regular dredging.  It will not mean that SPCMA will have to expend money other than what we normally would for dredging.  This grant match will coincide with Nature’s Conservancy, and the Town of Sandy Creek for a total of 425,000.00.  Our goal is to remove as much sand as possible from the shoal and the channel to rebuild the north barrier dunes in extremely low areas.  We will know more about the grant and upcoming dredge project in the near future.

Treasurers report: read by Cathy Goodnough.  Motion made by Tom Crosby to accept treasurers report as read, 2nd by dave Catania. All in favor, motion passed.

The Oswego County Tourism has received grant money to advertise area Businesses that have survived the high waters of 2017.  It is the High Water Market Campaign and will be interviewing local businesses to show that they are still in business to improve tourism in Oswego County.

2017 P & L Statements
Corporate taxes are here for your review: also corporate book and checkbook are open for any inspection.
Our taxes have once again been done by Small Business Services at no charge. Thank you to Tom Baxter for continuing to support us.

Estimated Expenses for next year:
1.Mass Mail out
2.Post Office box renewal
3.Liability Insurance, D & O, Physical Insurance

Fundraisers; Can pick up at Greene Point Total collected since 2003 $11,277.45- that’s 225,549.00 CANS. Sandy Creek Redemption Center takes care of all the cans.

Permit Status:

Town of Sandy Creek Contract not done this year

DEC Permits approved through May 21, 2023 with a minimal of 30 day advanced notice.

Corp of Engineers Status: 5 year permit _ July14, 2018. New permit received good through 4/23/2021 

DOS- Stipulations-GPS readings and tabular forms submitted to the DOS.  Roger Morrison will be doing GPS readings this year.

NYS Parks- permit will be filed with location of sand placement

Dissolving a 501C3 – review discuss options- The Natures Conservancy is a 501C3 and all of our assets could be turned over to them if our association ever dissolves.  If they were to remove the large mass of sand between the island and the channel, the channel has a better chance of staying open.

Membership in attendance interested in being a board member?  Motion made by Margaret Kaster to accept Ralph Leber as a board member, 2nd by Tom Crosby. All in favor, motion passed

Election\ Re-election of Officers:

President:  Cathleen Goodnough
Vice Pres:  Tom Crosby
Secretary:   Bonnie Reid
Treasurer:   Bonnie Reid

Board of Directors:Margaret Kastler, Mike Brennan, Pete Backus,  Bonnie Reid, Roger Morrison, Harold Golden and Dave Catania, Ralph Leber.
Motion made by Roger Morrison to reelect officers and board members as read. 2nd by Margaret Kastler, all in favor. Motion passed

Appoint Sergeant of Arms by President: New President to appoint. Tom Crosby is the preceding Sergeant of Arms –President appoints Tom Crosby

Appoint Parliamentarian: New President to appoint Parliamentarian. Tom Crosby is the preceding Parliamentarian –President appoints Tom Crosby

Thank you all for your interest in our channel.

President will entertain a motion to adjourn.

Motion made to adjourn meeting by Harold Golden ,2nd Tom Crosby, all in favor. Motion passed
Meeting adjourned at 11 am