Minutes from the SPCMA, June 3rd, 2007 Sandy Creek Town Hall
Minutes of Annual Meeting
June 3, 2007
Sandy Creek Town Hall

Meeting called to order at 10:10 AM

Thank you all for coming today and your continued support. The Sandy Pond Channel has been an issue for years.  We have managed to privately fund the dredging of the channel, with some funds coming from the Town of Sandy Creek.  As for the other governmental agencies, we have yet received monetary funding from, although we have contacted everyone from Senator Clinton on down to our County legislators.  Part of the problem is that Sandy Pond has all land that is privately owned and there is no Public Access in order for the Corp. of Engineers to take over maintaining the channel, we would need a Public Access.  We have been working on this option also.

Since our inception in 2003 we have come along ways.  We have hired a contractor “Cranesville Aggregate”, that dredged last year and is again lined up to dredge this year.  We paid them 19,000.00 to dredge approximately 3011 cubic yards of sand.  They were very new to this kind of water, currents and sand, but managed to dredge to make safe passage for last fall.  The Corp of Engineers monitors dredging and they have set some stipulations for the Association this year. They are:
1.That the proposed dredging of the channel shall occur only on an “as needed” basis, with a maximum of 12,000 cubic yards dredged per year.
2.That the dredging shall be conducted only from July 15 to September 1 or from November 30 to March 30, to protect fish spawning.
3.In order to measure sediment distribution in the vicinity of the proposed sand placement area, a global positioning system (GPS) must be used to measure the locations of data points in the area of the work, and a staff or similar measurement device must be used to measure the depth of water at the data points.  These measurements must be taken before and after the dredging and sand placement are done.
4.The GPS shall be used to take measurements at a minimum of seven locations.
5.These seven locations are:
1: 500 feet south of the southerly sediment placement site
2: At the center of the southerly sediment placement site
3: 500 feet south of the centerline of the dredged channel
4: At the intersection of the centerline of the dredged channel with the line of sediment placement
5: 500 feet north of the dredged channel centerline
6: At the center of the northerly sediment placement site
7: 500 feet north of the northerly sediment placement site.

6.That for the channel records, depths should be taken along lines perpendicular to the centerline of the channel before and after dredging.  The cross-sections taken should extend at least 25 feet beyond the top edge of the completed channel, or beyond the limit of the area of disturbance, including areas that may slump into the channel after dredging.
7.That the data log shall be kept for this channel maintenance project.  The data log shall include a map, showing the locations of data points taken, and shall also include a listing of the water depths observed at each of these data points.  Dates that these water depths were taken must be recorded as \well, in tabular form.
8.That at the end of every boating operating season, you shall submit a copy of the data log report to Mel Schroeder, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Copies should also be submitted to the NYSDOS, Mr. Barry Pendergrass, and the USFWS, Ms. Sandie Doran.
9.That if you are proposing to dredge from July 15 to September 1, you shall obtain the assistance of a qualified individual or agency to survey the barrier beach area for piping plovers one week prior to dredging.  If piping plovers are observed, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service must be contacted immediately to determine appropriate measures to avoid impacts to piping plovers.
10.That all potentially contaminating materials, such as fuel and hydraulic fluids, shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from the shoreline, to prevent contaminants from entering the waterway.
All other terms and conditions of Department of the Army Permit No. 2003-1294 remain in full force and effect.

Volunteers are needed for help putting piping out and GPS readings. If you could help us out in anyway, please list your name and number on the sheets.  This task is monumental and the more help we have the easier it will be and last year all the volunteers saved the association money, when they helped put the piping out, the contractor didn’t have to charge for that.
Our Permit allows the dredging to start July 15th, because of the Nesting and spawning season.
Cranesville Aggregate will be getting us a quote soon as to the cost for dredging this year.  They realize we are a not for profit organization and have limited funds.  Our membership and the Town of Sandy Creek is our only source of income.

Roll call of Officers: President___X__  Cathy Goodnough
      Vice Pres.___X__ Greg Breslin
      Secretary_______  Laurie Boland
      Treasurer____X__ Chris Reed
Board Members  __ _X ___Dave Catania
  ____X___Bob Rezak
           ____X___Ted Reiter
           ____X___Margaret Kastler
           ____X___Mike Brennan
           ____X___Ray Pickering
  ____X___John Shook
Do we have a Quorum?         Yes 

Membership Status20032004      20052006
Bronze __61__641407       217   43
Silver   __41__
Gold    __33__
Total Members____146__

Membership in Attendance:
Joe & Mary Sienko, Nancy & Vincent Fischer, Ronald Morneau, Tom McLeod

Treasurers Report: Treasurer report read by Chris Reed, Motion made by Ron Morneau, to Accept Treasurers report as read; subject to audit. Motion seconded by Tom McLeod. NO discussion. Motion passed.   $___13,893.50_____

Permit Status:
Corp of Engineers has granted us a permit good through     11/26/09; a new permit must be filed with them.
      DEC has granted a permit good through 3/15/2010
      DEC- Revocable permit, which would allow the piping to be stored along shoreline and vehicle access from Sandy Island Beach, is pending Insurance Binder from Contractor to DEC.

Bills against the association: Annual Director’s and Officers Policy Due in June $1,000.00

Vote to re-elect all Officers and Board of Directors as slated above: Ted Reiter stated to re-elect Cathleen Goodnough as President of Association, and Board of Directors to remain the same.  Motion made by Ron Morneau and seconded by Nancy Fischer, all in favor. Motion passed

Appointment of Sergeant of Arms & Parliamentarian by President of Association: Ted Reiter

Discussion of Town of Ellisburg, being contacted for funding of dredging.  The Town of Sandy Creek has set aside 10,000.00 to be split between Weed harvesting and dredging.  Margaret Kastler was asked if possibly the Town of Sandy Creek’s highway department could help put the piping out this year.  She will check into it.  Volunteers asked for help with piping, Ted Reiter, Mike Brennan and Tom McLeod volunteered.  Tom also volunteered to take all the GPS readings for the Association. 
Speed limit signs and No Wake signs were discussed.  Check to see if they could be put out again this year.  Possibly have reflective tape for marker on the dredge, to see better at night. Also put banner on the dredge.

Discussion of Membership stickers to have a date to punch out for the upcoming years.

Announcements: Possible Band\Fund raiser Auction at Taco’s Pavilion this summer?

Correspondences:  Letter and donation from Friends of Sandy Pond Beach, Letter inquiring Membership Sticker, which was forgone this year, to minimize expenses.

Next General Meeting will be July 8th at the Sandy Creek Town Hall at 9:30 AM

President will entertain a motion to adjourn.

Motion made to adjourn by Tom McLeod, seconded by Ted Reiter. Any discussion, all in favor, Motion Passed.

Meeting adjourned at 10:58am

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