The second meeting the SPCMA was held on Sunday February 2, 2003 at The Sandy Creek Town Hall.
Cathy Goodnogh welcomed about 150 attendees and thanked those who sent letters and emails to us. She also thanks Mary Coon from the Salmon River News for such great coverage in her newspaper. The Post Standard Coverage was wonderful too.
During our 2 week break Cathy Contacted Dave Fornis from the DEC and Doug Thompson from the Nature's Conservancy. Left to contact was the Lake Ontario Dune Coalition and the Department of Soil & Water. Nature's Conservancy expressed a desire that it not become a safe harbor but would like us to dump the sand South of Sandy Island Beach. Cathy also contacted several engineering companies to do estmates on the project. Cathy also contacted Wagoners which has a dredge for sale for 95,000. They will accept a best offer and teach us how to use the dredge. Kyle White was asked if he would operate it if we get one. He said he could.
Our main objective is to get the word out to everyone who is a pond user. It was asked that business owners, campgound owners get information out to their people. Cathy also looked into bulk mail pricing but it does not seem to be cost effective.
Mike Pastuf wrote a beautiful letter to Senator Hilary Clinton to make her aware of the problem the pond is facing. Syracuse Label Company has agreed to donate their time, ink & paper to make labels for us. It was not decided if we will sell them or give them to people who donate to this cause. Thank you Dave Dillabough for your time in designing the logo.
We need to get an estimate to know what we are up against we believe it will take about 40,000 to 45,000 just to dredge the channel for this year. We need to solict donations from users of the pond. It is estmated that there are about 3,000 people who use the pond. It every one of them donated just $25.00 we have the potential to raise $75,000. It is also undertood that we can never get everyone of them to donate, it is just not realistic, but the more people we can get the faster this thing will happen. Our immediate concern is for this to take place this season. A Temporary fix so we can use the channel this boating season. There is only a small window in spring that we can dredge so time is of the essence. We need to identify our target, get a letter out to them and make it happen.
There are 2 options to make this association happen. We could get a DBA and Incorporate or we can associate ourselves with an established Association. It was decided to work with the Sportsmen's Association for the time being them incorporate ourselves later. Mike Carns said he would donate the $300 or $400 dollars it would take us to incorporate. Thank You Mike!
Mike Goldych then moved to nominate Officers and a Board of Directors to run this Association. They are:
President - Cathy Goodnough
Vice Prsident - Greg Breslin
Treasurer - Chris Noel
Secretary - Mike Goldych
Trustees -
Bob "Taco" Rezak
The following committees were also set up: Fund Raising, Permits & Equipment.
The hat was once again passed and just under $500 was made thank you to all who donated!!!!
If you wish to make a donation - please make your check payable to : SPCMA - Please mail your donations to SPCMA - P.O. Box 686, Sandy Creek, NY 13145
Respectfully Submitted by Chris Noel