Agenda of The Sandy Pond Channel Maintenance Association
Meeting: 7/7/03 at the
Sandy Pond Sportsman's Club
6:30- updated 7/9/03
Reading of Minutes from Previous Meeting-General Meeting- Refer to President's Agenda
Treasurer's Report: 41,500 to date 593 Members over 4,000 hits on web site-Frank Dragotta has volunteered to do a Monthly Profit and Loss Statement and Annual Budget for our Association. He will be auditing our Statements and Checking Account. To date our only expenses are Postcards, Photos, and Postage. Future expenses will be Equipment, General Liability Insurance Policy, Directors and Officers Policy, Maintenance of Equipment, Operator's expense. Chris Reed has volunteered to be our Treasurer.
Fundraising Report: Special Thanks to volunteers who helped out at the fair, Especially Cheryl Yerdon for coordinating all the volunteers, decorating the Float in the Parade and Setting up a beautiful display of Photos, and informational booth. The display unit was generously donated for our use, by Yvonne and John Kopy. - The association put a Pontoon Boat in the Oswego County Fair Parade, with lots of kids and large poster to "SAVE THE CHANNEL", we received a lot of publicity. The cost of the booth was $80.00. We recovered that cost, by selling postcards and raffle tickets. Taco Bob's Basket of Cheer raffle was won by Ben Crane and Sherry Grey. Our association was given 602.00 from that. Brewster's is still having their Chicken BBQ raffle weekly; Purchase a chance for a BBQ dinner for $1.00. Mr. Baldjamiah's Bartender's Competition donated $1,048.95, from the event they held at their Establishment in Port Ontario. Over $110.00 have been collected from the Beached Bottles that are around in area businesses, A lot of publicity comes from these, plus new members.
Sale of Postcards: Ray Pickering has been delivering postcards all over the area. Special Thanks to him for taking the time to help us out. To date 660 cards are delivered out and $339.00 taken in as sales. The cost to the association for the cards was $200.00 for 1,000 cards. We have had a great response to their sales. If you have a business or think that you could sell them, please contact Cathy Goodnough. We will be expanding our sales area. Chris Reed is the Pulaski Business Coordinator.
Sale of Photos: The 16*20 Ariel view of the North and South Pond has gone well. We preordered 40 and have 6 left available to sell. We order them from a list of presales. The smaller photo 12*18 is on order with 7 available before another order is placed. The larger unframed photo is $40.00 and the smaller $32.00.
Permit Status: Tony S- we are awaiting the permit from the Corp of Engineers. We have kept up contact with them, but have no definite answer of time frame.
Equipment Status: Mike P, Brian G. - We have looked at several Dredgers. Consideration is being taken for the best possible equipment for the sand in the channel; this equipment can be seen on IMS Dredgers web site. It can do a multitude of jobs.
Burt Goodnough will be going to Michigan, where the IMS Dredger is and has agreed to travel to see it and report back to us. A motion was made to allow cost of airfare to Orlando Florida to check into the other dredger. It is located on a fresh water lake there and a Jet Blue airline ticket was discussed.
Loan Evaluation: Greg Breslin-Greg submitted an outline of possible costs of a dredge that cost 150,000.00. He has checked loan rates and a 20% down is normal requirement. Operating expenses and overhead costs were discussed as well who would operate the equipment. We are gathering all the information of loans and equipment, so that when the permit comes through, we will be able to present the best information to the members of the association and take action from there.
Old Business: Donation status: Charles Goman Jr. Fund. - Several people have made a donation in the memory of Charles Goman. Letters of receipt and acknowledgement will be written and sent by our Secretary. Membership list for 2004 is being compiled by Patti King.
County Legislators report Mike G, Margaret Kastler- Both Board members were present at the Oswego County Fair on Legislators Day, Unfortunately we were unable to get a feel for how they Support our association.
Grant Status: No positive response from any fund, over 11 applied for
New Business:
Set Meeting date for 2nd Sunday each Month? No set meeting date at this time. A schedule was passed around to the board to see which dates are best for them; Next meeting will be determined and posted on the web site.
Margaret Kastler Report from Town of Sandy Creek- Margaret spoke on the behalf of Sandy Island Beach. The input is needed from the public, in forms of letters to County Legislators and show of support at the meetings. We are still checking into the possibility of working with the Town of Sandy Creek, for the actual dredging of the channel.
Mike Pastuf: Letter of Update, to be posted on web site. Informing members and possible new members to the status of the association.
Public Relations Person still needed, to get the word around, flyers, contact newspapers
New ways to keep people updated of our progress, so the support is still forthcoming- if you feel you that you are the right person for this, please contact us.
Calendar for the 2004 year: We will be working on getting some of the great photos that have been sent into a calendar. Dave Dillabough will be helping us out on this. Fred Herbs, along with others have sent many wonderful photos in.
Bd-200305, JUL 07, 2003, @ 18:45
Presiding: Cathy Goodnough, President
Attending: Mike Goldych, Secretary; Directors: Mike Brennan, Mike Carnsi, Burt Goodnough,
Tom Jones, Margaret Kastler, Mike Pastuf, Tom Ready, Bob Rezak;
Permit Committee: Tony Senzarino, Dianne Senzarino,
Fundraising: Cheryl Yeardon; Equipment: Brian Goodnough;
Treasurer's Report: Presented by C. Goodnough, Balance on Hand= $ 40,888.00
President's Report No Quorum at Bd of Dirs meeting JUN 12, 2003. Meeting conducted as a
"General Committee Meeting"
Two individuals recruited for Fiduciary duties,
o Chris Read considering nomination for Treasurer,
o Frank Dragotta considering contribution as auditor.
Fundraising Committee Report by Cheryl Yerdon (complete report on page 3)
o Oswego County Fair - SPCMA hosted an Oswego County Fair Booth, earned $ 80.00
o Mr. Baldjamiah's - Raised $ 1,498.45 at SPCMA fundraiser at Mr. Baldjamaiah's Restaurant
o Raffle Tickets = $ 86.00, Post Card sales= $24.00
o Float - July 1, participated in parade with a SPCMA float.
o Art Raffle chosen on Labor Day: 2 paintings; "Sandy Pond Dunes" and "Lightning Storm"
o Brewster's Bar-B-Q raffle has contributed $ 43.00
o Boat Parade: Mike Carnsi and Mike Pastuf are planning a "Christmas in July/ August" boat parade,
perhaps $ 10.00 per vessel
o Auction - Committee is considering a donated items auction, Tom Ready offered Campground Pavilion
2003-5.1. Motion to approve Fundraising Committee report. Motion by Pastuf, Second by Jones. Approved
Permit Committee Tony Senzarino reported. Permit expected in August. Tony reported on meetings with the
US Army Corp of Engineers, DEC, regarding questions on the project, including:
Which opening? DEC had an old map.
Changed amount of material dredged from 5,500 yd3 to 12,000 yd3
Will SPCMA use a pump or trucks to move material?
Revocable Permit Dan Sawcheck required Tony to sign a revocable permit authorizing hose passage over state property
[Note: SPCMA permit application will be posted on the NYS DEC
Environmental Notice Board (ENB) (]
Equipment Committee - Brian Goodnough, Mike Pastuf, Tony Senzarino reported.
o Looked at a "Nessie" (equipment manufactured by Nessie Mining Co., - general description: backhoe-like arm equipped with a cutting wheel or other apparatus, a large pump capable of pumping a sand/water slurry through an 8" diameter hose, generally > 200 HP, mounted on a small barge)
o Evaluating equipment for a 15-20 year life
o Reading from V.P.Greg Breslin's financial estimates on an IMS 40/10 Dredge:
$150,000 w/ 20% down ($30,000).
Financing $ 120,000 = $ 20,000 Interest and Principal/ year
Fuel = 50 hrs x 7 gal/hr = ~ $ 800.00
Labor $ 6200.00
Equipment Committee - continued
Insurance $ 1500.00
Maintenance $ 1500.00
Wear $ 1500.00
Total Annual Costs $ 32,000
o Town of Greece discussion of Town of Greece problems with operation/ operators
o Reported on Custom-Built Dredge available in Orlando, FL fresh water use only, cast pump, 174 Hp, capable of 100 yd3/hr, and 600- 900 ft of hose.
2003-5.2. Motion to appropriate up to $ 500 for travel, 2 equip committee members to inspect the FL machine.
Moved by Tom Jones. Second by Mike Pastuf. APPROVED
Floor Question by Ron Miller - What plans exist for operators, maintenance, storage, insurance?
o Assurances these aspects considered by C. Goodnough, B. Goodnough, M. Pastuf
Floor Question on Financing Pres. Goodnough responded on generalities of Greg Breslin's meeting with
Pathfinder Bank.
In consideration of efforts to purchase equipment, Motion by Mike Goldych to reconsider previously approved Board Action to Solicit Bids for Dredging the Channel in 2003. Tony Senzarino commented that approval to solicit dredging quotations was a condition of the permit application. Motion failed for lack of a Second.
Sandy Island Beach /Oswego County- Margaret Kastler reported.
o Town of Sandy Creek considering operation. Perhaps a special Tax District. Several questions for the County Attorney. Town Board to meet with county Officials the evening of JULY 28.
o How long will money be available for Beach Bathhouse? Should SPCMA petition Oswego county for some of that money if it is not used for the beach? General discussion ensued.
Town of Sandy Creek Board:Lonnie Crast 132 Wheat Hill Rd, Lacona, NY 13083, 387-5330
Don Marquart 106 Blind Creek Rd, Sandy Creek 13145, 387-5136
Nancy Ridgeway 4171 Co. Rt. 22, Lacona, NY 13083, 387-5377
Dale Thomas PO Box 711, Sandy Creek 13145, 387-3549
Don Marquart to draft a letter to NYS soliciting funding for SPCMA
Scott Tripoli commented on the Lake Ontario/ St Lawrence River level study now ongoing. (Public Meeting September 10 in Sodus Bay)
Charles Goman - How to handle donations received in memory of Charles Goman, some of which were less than the $ 25/year/family membership dues established at the March 09, 2003 Bd of Dir Mtg.
2003-5.3. Motion to grant permanent posthumous membership to Charles Goman in recognition of Donations.
Moved by Goldych. Second by Jones. APPROVED
2003-5.4. Motion to confer membership to those donors on behalf of Charles Goman regardless of amount donated prior to Mar 09, 2003. After Mar 09, donors of less than membership fee will receive letter explaining posthumous membership conferred on Mr. Goman and that membership dues have been established at $ 25.00. Moved by Goldych. Second by Jones. APPROVED.
Members Attending: - next page
Members Attending:
AdamsNorman, Pam
BoothJohn & Christine
DuBoisRichard & Donna
FisherRon, Emmy
FoxRuss, Barb
KarellaMary Ann
NewmanNorma & Stan
PastufMike, Don
PauldineJohn, Jane
ReidMel, Bonnie
RobillardJim, Nita
SchneiderDon & Denise
Meeting Adjourned. Next SPCMA Board Meeting on 7-22-2003.
Fundraising Committee Report Cheryl Yerdon
Mr. Baldjamiah's "Bar Tender Competition" raised $ 1048.95
June 30 to July 5. Oswego County Fair, Booth cost $ 80.00, manned by volunteers all week.
Thanks to Yvonne Kopy for use of her display booth and for working at the booth. Thanks to volunteers:
Ray Pickering, Norm+ Pam Adams, Pat McDougal, Norma Newman, Joan + Mike Jones, Janet Parker,
Sally Larkin, Scott Tripoli, Mike Goldych, Greg Breslin; Tony, Diane, TonyAnn, Gena,+ Phil Senzarino.
SPCMA Float in July 1 Oswego County Fair Parade for PR. Use of Manitou Boat and Truck donated by Green Point Marina.
Art Raffle Article on the front page of SRN. Pictures of the local artists to be in paper.
Sales to date:Raffle tickets$ 130.00
Raffle tickets at Fair 86.00
Beach Bottles 60.06
Brewster's Bar-B-Q raffle 43.00
Fundraising Committee Report- continued
Ron Fisher will present his Wave Machine and Slides at the Sandy Creek Town Hall July 17 at 7 PM.
Wigwam Mike Carnsie and Mike Pastuf working on a "Christmas in July" Boat Parade. $ 10 per boat with proceeds to the SPCMA.
We are looking for a place to hold an Auction of Items donated to the SPCMA. Tom Ready offered the campground pavilion.
"Broke-Down" Restaurant has expressed an interest in a SPCMA Chicken Bar-B-Q.
Selling 16 X 20 aerial photo of North and South Sandy Ponds and Beaches for $ 40.00
Thanks to Marjorie Yerdon for raffle tickets, stationary, and posters.