Minutes of Board Meeting
August 17,2006
Wayside Pavilion
Meeting called to order at 6:30 PM
Roll call of Officers: President____X__ Cathy Goodnough
Vice Pres.______ Greg Breslin
Treasurer_______ Chris Reed
Board Members ____X____Dave Catania
____X____Margaret Kastler
Do we have a Quorum? Yes
Membership Status
Bronze ___5___
Silver ___3___
Gold ___3___
Total Members___12_____
Treasurers Report: Treasurer report read by Cathy Goodnough, Motion made by Ray Pickering to accept Treasurers report as read; subject to audit. Motion seconded by Margaret Kastler. NO discussion. Motion passed. 15,503.52
Bills against the association: Contract Dredging: 14,250.00
Lawyer Bill reviewed:
Old Business: File completion of dredging to Corp of Engineers- Greg Breslin went to Channel 8/15. Piping is being picked up.
Read correspondence with Green & Seifter; attorney for SPCMA.
New Business: Mail out to membership, email, article in the Salmon River News. Estimated cost 325.00: Motion to expense for mail out made by Ray Pickering, Seconded by Margaret Kastler. All in favor, Motion passed.
File with town of Sandy Creek for remaining money in fund.
File paperwork of removal of sand this year to receive funds from the Town of Sandy Creek.
File final 30 days after completion of work with the Corp of engineers, for permit. Renewal of permit for next year: Motion make by John Shook, seconded by Margaret Kastler, all in favor, motion passed.
President will entertain a motion to adjourn.
Motion made to adjourn by Dave Catania, seconded by Ray Pickering. Any discussion, all in favor, all opposed. Motion Passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM.