Minutes of Board Meeting
August 7, 2005
Sandy Creek Town Hall
Meeting called to order at 10:10 AM
Opening Comments
Roll call of Officers: President___X__ Cathy Goodnough
Vice Pres.___X__Greg Breslin
Treasurer____X__Chris Reed
Board Members ________Mike Pastuf
Do we have a Quorum? YES
Membership Status
Bronze ______95
Silver ______65
Gold ______52
Total Members________216
Reading of Minutes: Minutes from last months regular meeting were Passed. Secretary inquired 3 times if there were any corrections, additions or deletions to the minutes. No corrections, additions or deletions were presented. Cathy Goodnough made a motion that minutes be accepted. Motion seconded by Greg Breslin. Motion approved and passed.
To Date: $10,740.00 in Membership for 2005.
To Date: $32,431.36 in Associations Funds
Profit and Loss passed till the end of April-attached copy
Treasurers Report: Treasurer report read by Cathy Goodnough, Motion made by to accept Treasurers report as read by Tony Senzarino; subject to audit. Motion seconded by Ray Pickering. NO discussion. Motion passed.
Bills against the association:
Bach Photo still hasn’t sent the 16*20 photos of the ponds, they copied the wrong photo first and we are awaiting new photos.
Hancock and Estabrook: Corporate Lawyer retained to send letter to contractor to enforce the Dredging of the Channel. Board approved up to $1500.00 to Retain attorney.
Old Business: Town of Sandy Creek contract has been signed between SPCMA and Town, check for 5,680.00 has been deposited into account.
New Business: July 23,2005 Phone calls to Board Members to get approval to contact attorney to send letter to Contractor to start dredging the channel. Seven Board members approved. Letter sent.
Communications: Email read from Mike Pastuf, concerning the start of dredging, should be the end of next week. 8/12/05. Email from concerned SPCMA member read, they wanted to know the status of dredging and will it be done this year. Many members are disheartened with the Association. Our permits are in line and have been, all the necessary paperwork was filed our DEC permit is good through March 15, 2007, and the Corp of Engineers Permit is good through November 26, 2006. Dredging is the responsibility of the Contractor. Board Members discussed getting help lined up and contacting the contractor to get the equipment and piping out to the dredge site.
Committee Reports: Fundraising 25 Koozies left to sell from the order in 2004.
Announcements: Parks and Recreations mark the Channel. Comments of missing buoys and the sand bar going out into the channel, Parks and Recreation contacted August 7th by phone and the buoys were remarked August 8th. Also they marked the outside sand bar with spar buoys.
Closing Comments\Adjournment
Next General/Board Meeting will be set as needed.
President will entertain a motion to adjourn.
Motion made to adjourn by Greg Breslin, seconded by Ray Pickering. Any discussion, all in favor, all opposed. Motion Passed.
Meeting adjourned at 11:25 PM
Profit & Loss
Membership Dues 74,815.00
Miscellaneous Income 19,660.40
Bank Service Charges 10.25
Liability Insurance1,000.00
Licenses and Permits 650.00
Postage and Delivery 2,384.57
Printing and Reproduction 1,209.74
Net Ordinary Income31,886.36
Total Other Expense 15.00