The Sandy Pond Channel Maintenance
P.O. Box 686 Sandy Creek, NY
315-387-2565, 387-3513
Board of Directors Meeting:Page 1 of
Bd-200304, APR 27, 2003, 11:30-13:00
Presiding: Cathy Goodnough, President
Attending: Greg Breslin, V. Pres.; Mike Goldych, Secretary; Directors: Mike Brennan, Bob Rezak,
Mike Pastuf, Burt Goodnough; Permit Committee: Tony Senzarino, Dianne Senzarino,
Fundraising: Cheryl Yeardon; Equipment: Brian Goodnough; Mike Carnsi
Bd-2003-4.1 Motion to accept minutes of the previous Meeting (3-30-2003). Moved M. Pastuf,
2nd M. Brennan. Brief Discussion. Adopted by acclamation.
Bd-2003-4.2 Motion to accept Resignation of Chris Noel as Treasurer. Moved M.Goldych,
2nd R. Rezak. Brief Discussion of Chris's competing duties and continued assistance to
SPCMA. Adopted with Regret by consensus.
Treasurer's Report: Presented by C. Goodnough, Balance on Hand= $ 29, 065.00
Expenses included $ 634.00 postage
President's Report - Membership: [Bronze ] $ 25.00 176 donors to date
[Silver] $ 50.00 126 donors to date
[Gold] $ 100.00 153 donors to date
[Platinum] >$ 200.00 14 donors to date
Bd-2003-4.3Motion to Revise Bylaws to add more specificity regarding duties of Treasurer and perhaps a Chair of a Standing committee on Membership (Treasurer duties to reflect standard NYS suggested Bylaws for Not for Profit corporations). Moved- M. Pastuf, 2nd -T. Senzarino
Discussion about whether Bylaws had been previously approved -inconclusive. Discussion regarding duties which might be delegated to a Membership Chairman or Corresponding Secretary, or other persons APPROVED. M. Goldych to revise and present
(Note: M. Goldych had recommended the Bylaws be Tabled for futher consideration at the
meeting of March 09, 2003, But the Motion to Adopt carried nearly unanimously.)
PERMIT : Status presented by Tony Senzarino (Note: Application for Permit filed on May 3, 2003)
Tony reported in detail on the arduous and frustrating task of working with the NYS DEC and US Army Corp of Engineers on Permit consideration. Tony had been led to believe the previous Oswego County Permit (of ten years duration) provided strong support for rapid consideration of an SPCMA permit. Then he learned the authorities did not consider the permit documents or drawings to be directly transferable. He was forced to develop and submit a new drawing and was told quite directly that Hydraulic Dredging would be considered, while Mechanical Dredging would not be favorably considered. (Hydraulic Dredging is the removal of sand/ bottom sediments by a pumped slurry. The pump is usually mounted on a barge, taking a suction on the bottom with a hose, and discharging via a hose also. Mechanical Dredging in this application is considered to be sand removal by land based equipment, backhoes, front-end loaders, and trucks).
Motion to Adjourn at approximately 1 PM in preparation for a General Member ship Meeting.
Moved- M. Pastuf, 2nd- Greg Breslin. Approved.