Statement of Minutes from Last Report: Motion to omit reading of minutes
Treasurer's Report: Chris N. Over 21,000 received to date, 288 members
Mass mail out 481.00 spent on postage to date, approx. 300
Names left on Property owners list. Over 1300 mailed out
From us. $15.17 in returned postage
Fundraising Report: Cheryl Y. Donations needed for silent auction
Have Walleye fish trip, provided by John Kopy
Hats, T-shirt information
Benefit is set at Holiday Corners, Tickets and Posters available
Today. Dave Dillabough has offered to MC for us.
** Vote taken to rent booth at the Sandy Creek Fair for a week
set up a informational booth, with photos. Will need volunteers. Bottle with posters will be going out to area establishments.
Review of Issues Previously Tabled: Membership Business that donated to us will
Have Honorary Membership. Chris Noel will be making
Certificates of Appreciation.
Old Business: Labels, Expense. (Read Estimate) Have stickers for April 27th Meeting
Donated by Greene Point Marina** Stickers have been ordered and
Should be here to hand out at April 27th Meeting.
Corporate Seal is being redone to have State of New York.
Grants: Ed N. - Tony and Diane's Daughter, Gina wrote one for Aquatic Habitat for Max. $3,500.00. **Gina has volunteered to write more grants
for us.
Permits: Tony S. Emergency status entered on Permit and give letters of support.
** Permit will be filed this week, approx. 2 months process. Addendums will be as needed when work begins.
Dredging Bids: Mike P. Discuss **Discussion about how many cubic
Yards to bid out, versus length of channel. Estimates would be higher with
Longer channel and it may not need to entire length done. Also, discussion
Of placement of sand. Invited Nature's Conservancy to next meeting to
Answer peoples questions.
Outline of Bid to send out: Mike G.
One Time Fee, Versus Buying Equipment-Input from Pond Users.
Many people have contacted me, in regards to having our own equipment
There is the Dredging plan out there for our inlet. It could be implemented in 2-3 years. Do we wait and rely on that or pay 30-40 grand each time and within 2 years we could have our own equipment. Insurance and cost of running could be high, but we could re coup some of our expenses with the rental of Equipment and operator out.
**Greg Breslin will check into Bank Loans for us. Insurance is being
looked at, will need working 6 month policy. Dredging Equipment in
Henderson is being looked at. Brian Goodnough has several pictures and a rough estimate of 18,000 for equipment. Nessie 8" Dredger video was shown. It has an attachment that could be purchased to also cut weeds underwater. Stan Groman is checking into a Nessie 6"Dredger. General Consensus: Look to Buy. Rough estimate was 85,000. Equipment has
1600 hrs on it and they will throw in 5,000 worth of parts. Checking into possibly coming down on the price. Will need to cost of shipping via train
back to NY. The dredger has it's own trailer built in.
New Business: Business Coordinator for Pulaski: Chris Reed, Need volunteer for
Oswego, Sandy Creek, Sandy Pond. Will need volunteers, to visit and
Request donations for auction.
Appoint a Liaison to look into Equipment Purchase in CA. Stan Groman
Lake Level Charts provided by IJC, Input from Board of Director, Frank
Sciremammano, Jr. They do have a direct impact on us. Especially in the
Fall. Anytime, someone sees a Public meeting for this, please notify us.
Dune Coalition Stand
Appoint a Liaison to check into Loans: Greg B. Oswego County Bank
Loan Officer: Matt Chetney 1-888-343-4101 / 343-4100
Budgets for upcoming year: Jefferson County, Oswego County, and Town
Of Sandy Creek.
Next Meeting April 27th at the Sandy Creek Fire Hall Bake Sale, Please bring a goody and a sweet tooth.
BOARD MEETING: MARCH 30, 2003, 1:00 p.m.
Meeting #6
Location:Sandy Creek Town Hall
Presiding:Cathy Goodnough, President
Attending:Greg Breslin, Vice President; Chris Noel, Treasurer; Directors: Tom Jones, Mike Pastuf, Burt Goodnough, Mike
Brennan, Tom Reddy, Margaret Kastler; Permit Committee: Tony Senzarino; Fund Raising Committee: Cheryl Yerdon, Mary Pizzuto, Dianne Senzarino and Heidi Goodnough (Secretary Fill-in); Dredger Committee: Brian Goodnough; Other: Tad Blount
Motion was made by Mike Pastuf to omit reading minutes from last meeting, seconded by Taco, agreed by all.
Treasurer read report of monies received and paid out for postage etc.
Total donations to date are $19,530.00.
There have been 2,094 hits on website.
There are 288 members:
Membership levels
95 Gold
80 Silver
106 - Bronze and
7 Platinum
Treasurer designed receipts to send out to donors.
Need business cards from business owners to give a plug on the website.
Motion by Mike Pastuf to accept Treasurer's report, seconded by Mike Brennan, agreed by all.
Fund Raising Committee Report
Fund Raising Committee report read by Cheryl Yerdon. She discussed the topics that were discussed at the last fund raising committee:
1. Oswego County Fair
It would cost $160 to get a booth at the fair. We could do numerous things with the booth including, but not limited to raffles, non-stop video, etc. It could be manned or unmanned. Tony volunteered to man the booth as much as he can. We will check into volunteers to fill in other times.
Margaret informed us that the Friday of the fair will be Legislature's Day and it would be to our benefit to have the booth manned that day.
Tony motioned to get the booth at the fair, seconded by Mike Pastuf, accepted by all.
2. Beach Bottles for collecting donations.
It was discussed that several business want a beach bottle that Cheryl has designed for their establishment.
3. General Meeting Bake Sale.
We will be having a bake sale at the general meeting on April 27, 2003. She and the fund raising committee will contact volunteers to make goodies.
4. Holiday Corners Spaghetti Dinner May 4, 2003.
The dinner will be from 1 4. The Corners is trying to get a band or DJ to donate their services.
Several different fundraisers were discussed for the dinner, (i.e. 50/50 raffle, silent auction. A point was made by Tom Reddy to sell tickets for big-ticket items at a good enough amount to cover the value of the item and some and then do a drawing for the winner.
5. Chicken Bar-B-Q Dinner Raffle at Brewsters.
Tad Blount will have a raffle at the restaurant during the week for a give away of a chicken dinner on Sunday throughout the summer.
Mike Pastuf motioned to accept Fund Raising Report. Seconded by Tony.
Open discussion about several discussions took place at this time:
Cathy talked to a man who makes hats and shirts (Paul Bordeau).
Tabled items were brought up and it was agreed we would discuss them at the next meeting.
Beach Party was discussed.
A lot of people were talking at once and I was not able to keep up with all conversations.
Membership was discussed and a motion put on the floor by Mike Pastuf that anyone that makes a donation is a member and can vote.
It was discussed that businesses that donate services, items etc. should be considered an honorary member. It was also discussed that a thank you card or certificate of appreciation should be sent to honorary members.
Tony motioned to accept and Taco seconded, agreed by all.
The company we were dealing with cannot donate the labels. The estimate would be $2,747.00. The plates for the labels would be quite high as well. Cathy is going to work on finding another place to deal with.
It was put on the table to have a date on the labels so that every year we can use this is an income source. It was motioned by Mike Pastuf and seconded by Burt Goodnough, all agreed.
Tony has all of the paperwork ready to be filed. It will take approximately 2 months to get it approved. He was expecting to have a meeting the following day to get the paperwork filed. He was given letters to be filed with the paperwork from Pulaski Eastern Chamber of Commerce, Town of Sandy Creek, Oswego County Legislature, State Assemblyman and Morris Sorbello.
Burt Goodnough, Tad Blount and Mary _______ looked at the channel that morning and agreed that the channel looked good right now. They explained what the debt of the water is now, where the sandbar is etc. They insisted that the way we have the permit set up for dredging will not work. Tony explained to them that we will file for addendums for any changes that need to be made but that we should use the same format Oswego County used in the prior years so the permit will get passed.
There was a long discussion on where the sand should be placed, possible going north with it, but that the DEC would not go for that.
Taco motioned to accept the Permit report and it was seconded by Brian Goodnough, all approved.
Dredging Bids
Mike Pastuf has received bids in the mail. Mike wanted to know the exact amount of footage we need dredged so we can have bids placed. He is not putting anything out for a quote until he has the footage and it is approved by the Board. Burt Goodnough said that 500 feet would be a good high footage amount to use when the dredging is up for bid.
Burt Goodnough went into further detail about the way the channel was last fall and how it is now. He believes there is approximately 6 feet in the middle of the channel. Burt used a picture of the channel for his explanation. He figures the channel will be good until around June or July.
More discussion on the sand and Nature's Conservancy issues on that point took place. Tony explained a lot of their issues on that.
Stan Groman sent a video to Burt Goodnough about a dredger for approximately $75,000.00 in California and it was played at the meeting. Stan was going to find out more information for us in his upcoming visit to California. Insurance is also being checked into for coverage on the dredger.
We discussed keeping the equipment maintained and Tony explained that he has a company and they fix hydraulic equipment. Tony also explained that he is in touch with several companies that buy equipment and turn around and lease to own, which is a possibility.
Brian Goodnough showed pictures of the dredgers he has looked at and had some explanation about them. There is a homemade one in Henderson Harbor which is going to be looked into further. Brian say's it looks pretty good, they did a good job building it. We can get it for somewhere around $15,000.00.
Cathy asked Greg Breslin look into loans and rates in case we need any in the future. He agreed.
International Great Lakes Meeting
Cathy attended the International Great Lakes Meeting in Syracuse. It was discussed at the meeting that the water level is below where it is supposed to be right now. Cathy said we should have more people attend these meetings so there is a greater interest in our area. She went into further details about the meeting.
Spending Money
Mike Pastuf made a motion for the association to spend whatever money it needs for operating expenses. Mike Brennan seconded it, all agreed.
There were several other discussions at this point. Mary has been talking up the Channel Association and has had really great responses. People are very interested in what we are doing.
Mike Pastuf motioned to end the meeting at 2:30 p.m., seconded by Taco, all agreed.