Minutes of Board Meeting
January 8, 2006
Sandy Creek Town Hall
Meeting called to order at 10 AM

Opening Comments: Letter to Membership updating the
Progress of our Association.

Roll call of Officers: President____X__ Cathy Goodnough
Vice Pres.___X__ Greg Breslin
Treasurer____X__ Chris Reed
Board Members ________Mike Pastuf
_____X__Bob Rezak
________Tom Jones
_____X__Margaret Kastler
_____X__Mike Brennan
_____X__Ray Pickering
_____X__John Shook

Do we have a Quorum? Yes

Membership Status
Total Members 217

Reading of Minutes:Motion made to omit minutes from last Board Meeting: Motion made by John Shook, seconded by Ray Pickering. Motion approved and passed.

Treasurers Report: Treasurer report read by Cathy Goodnough, Motion made by Ray Pickering to accept Treasurers report as read; subject to audit. Motion seconded by Greg Breslin. NO discussion. Motion passed.

Bills against the association: NONE

Old Business: Membership letter reviewed by Attorney and Board Members: approved for mail out to membership-Motion made by Robert Rezak to expense for postage, seconded by Margaret Kastler.

New Business: Membership for 2006: Donations already received will be issued a receipt and membership card. No fundraisers will be set.

Communications: Response from Attorney's office

Committee Reports: NONE

Announcements: NONE

Closing Comments\Adjournment

Annual Meeting was set for May 7, 2006 at the Sandy Creek Town Hall at 10 AM

President will entertain a motion to adjourn.

Motion made to adjourn by Robert Rezak, seconded by Ray Pickering. Any discussion, all in favor, all opposed. Motion Passed.

Meeting adjourned at 11 AM

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